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Resume for Infiltec staff member Marc Messing.

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Index: [ Resume], [ Experience], [ Publications], [ Education], [ Professional Associations],

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Retired from Infiltec in 2000

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Marc Messing has been working on problems related to air leakage control in buildings since 1986. Initially his focus was on energy conservation, but his work now includes the impact of air leakage control on indoor air quality, comfort, and fire protection. He has extensive experience in building airtightness and pressure balance measurements, indoor air quality assessments, and radon mitigation. In 1986 he co-founded Infiltec Radon Control to work on a number of EPA radon mitigation projects, to provide radon mitigation service in the Washington DC metro area, to assist in the development of EPA's radon training programs, and to serve as an instructor for EPA's Eastern Regional Radon Training Center. He has published a number of papers on radon mitigation technology and policy issues. Marc is a member of the ASTM E6.41 Building Infiltration Performance Subcommittee.

Marc Messing is an accomplished policy consultant in radon, energy and environmental issues with diverse experience in the legislative and executive branches of government, as well as the private sector. His work has been cited widely in the news media, including the NewYork Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, National Journal, Science News, NBC News, and the Today Show.

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Infiltec Radon Control, Inc.

President, 1986 - Present

Since 1986 Mr. Messing has been a partner in Infiltec Air Leakage Control which manufactures air leakage control instrumentation and provides consulting services on building air infiltration and indoor air quality. He co-founded the radon division of Infiltec, Infiltec Radon Control, to develop new radon mitigation technology, to provide radon measurement and control services in the Washington area. As a consultant to EPA Mr. Messing has been involved simultaneously in field research on radon mitigation, the development of EPA's radon training programs, and has served as an instructor for EPA's Eastern Regional Radon Training Center.

International Symposium on the Medical Effects of Nuclear War

Deputy Project Director, 1985 - 1986

The findings of the National Institute of Medicine's International Symposium on the Medical Effects of Nuclear War -- ranging from new calculations of blast effects to studies of immunology and perceptions of nuclear war -- were reported in scientific journals and news media throughout the world. Mr. Messing was Deputy Project Director for the Symposium with responsibilities involving all aspects of scientific review, program coordination, and proceeding publications.

Congressional Study Commission on the Garrison Diversion Project

Senior Staff Member, 1984

In 1984 the Congress created a special study commission to resolve both technical and political issues which had stymied construction of the Garrison water diversion project since its authorization in 1944. As a senior staff member of the Congressional Study Commission, Mr. Messing was responsible for evaluation of economic and Indian land claim issues and Mr. Messing's economic analysis was specifically cited in the Washington Post for its precision. The findings of the Commission resolved many long-standing issues before the Congress.

Environmental Assessment of MX-Missile Basing Options

Staff Analyst, 1980 - 1981

As a staff analyst for the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, Mr. Messing was responsible for analysis of all environmental and socio-economic impacts of MX-missile basing in the Great Basin of Nevada and Utah. Mr. Messing's analysis documented the previously unreported potential for widespread desertification in the proposed basing area and presented an economic model of regional uncertainties significantly different from prevailing notions of isolated boom/bust cycles. OTA's report was sent to Congress on schedule and was referenced in both the congressional debate and the news media prior to congressional modification of the proposed basing plan.

Legislative Assistant to Senator Howard M. Metzenbaum

Energy and Natural Resource Issues, 1979 - 1980

Mr. Messing's principal responsibilities to Senator Metzenbaum involved the Energy Mobilization and Synthetic Fuels Corporation Acts of 1979. Senator Metzenbaum was actively involved in both bills as a member of the Energy and Natural Resource Committee and served on the Conference Committee on the Energy Mobilization Act.

Environmental Policy Institute

Director, Energy Facility Siting, 1973 - 1979

As a founding member of the Environmental Policy Center (subsequently the Environmental Policy Institute) and as Director of Energy Facility Siting, Mr. Messing testified frequently before Congress, served as a member of study commissions for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the National Research Council, and the Government of Ontario, and was responsible for grants and study contracts administered for the National Science Foundation, the President's Council on Environmental Quality, the Federal Energy Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy, and the National Academy for Public Administration.

Scientists' Institute for Public Information

Executive Director, 1972 - 1973

As Executive Director of SIPI, Mr. Messing coordinated activities between active public interest scientists' committees throughout the country working on a wide range of environmental issues, was instrumental in the acquisition of a significant library on biological pest controls, and negotiated the acquisition of Environment Magazine.

New York State Energy Coalition

Executive Director, 1970 - 1972

In June, 1970, as a conservation staff member of Friends of the Earth, Mr. Messing began analyzing the energy growth projections and the environmental impacts associated with proposed legislation for accelerated electric power plant development in New York State. The following year Mr. Messing served as Director for the Environmental Planning Lobby in New York and organized a lobbying effort for power plant siting reform which contributed to innovative provisions in the New Power Plant Siting Act regarding public participation, environmental impact assessments, and the creation of an office of energy conservation and emergency preparedness (prior to the oil embargo of 1973).

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University of Chicago, B.A., 1969

PUBLICATIONS (partial list)

"Development of ASTM Radon Mitigation Standards",

Marc Messing, Infiltec, 1996 International Radon Symposium.

"Radon Diagnostics: Ineffective Techniques & Unsolved Problems", Marc Messing, Infiltec, 1995 International Radon Symposium.

"The Politics and Policies of Radon -- and Beyond," Indoor Air Quality Review, September, 1993

"Commentary," Radon Industry Review, April 1991

"Mitigation Experience in Houses with Basements and Adjoining Crawl Spaces," M. Messing and D. B. Henschel, EPA Radon Symposium, Atlanta, GA, April 1990

"Handbook on Radon Mitigation in Schools," D. Saum and M. Messing, Infiltec Report for SC&A prepared under EPA Contract, April 1989

"Occupational and Environmental Exposures to Radon: A Perspective for Mitigators," D. Sanchez, M. Messing and D. Saum, 1989

"Worker Protection for Radon Mitigators and Diagnosticians," M. Messing and D. Saum, EPA Radon Symposium, Denver, CO, October 1988

"Report to the U.S. Department of Energy on the Diagnostic Analysis of Radon Remediation in the Germantown Building, M. Messing, Infiltec Report, August, 1988

"Report on Diagnostic Analysis for Radon Remediation of West Springfield Elementary School," D. Saum and M. Messing, Infiltec Report, February 1988

"Pressurization Air Leakage Testing for Halon 1301 Enclosures," D. Saum, A. Saum, M. Messing, J. Hupman, M. White, Conservation Foundation Symposium on Substitutes and Alternatives to Chlorofluorocarbons and Halons, Washington D.C., January 1988

"Guaranteed Radon Remediation Through Simplified Diagnostics," D. Saum and M. Messing, EPA Symposium on Radon Diagnostics, Princeton, NJ, April 1987

"Psychological Perspectives on Nuclear War," Marc Messing and Fredric Solomon, Environment, September, 1986

"The Medical Effects of Nuclear War: Medical and Environmental Consequences,"

(video digest, Vol. 1) and "The Medical Effects of Nuclear War: Psychosocial Dimensions," (video digest, Vol. 2), National Academy of Sciences, 1986

"Strategic Antisubmarine Warfare" (editorial consultant), Classified Annex to MX Missile Basing Options, October, 1981

MX Missile Basing, (contributing member) Report of the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, September, 1981

Centralized Power, Marc Messing, H. Paul Friesema and David Morell, Oegelschlager, Gunn and Hain, Cambridge, October, 1979

"Electric Power Generation: Issues of Scale and Political Authority," Proceedings of the International Conference on Energy Use Management, Fazzolare and Smith, Pergamon Press, 1978

"Issues in Power Plant Siting: the 94th Congress and the States," Dr. James Baroff and Marc Messing, Federal Energy Administration, 1977

"United States Energy Policy in and Ecological Perspective," Dr. David J. Rosen and Marc Messing, Journal of International Comparative Public Policy, 1977

"Energy Issues Analysis," David Calfee, Marc Messing and Maxine Lipeles, Democratic National Committee, 1975

"Economies and Diseconomies of Scale in Nuclear Turbine Generators," MITRE, 1975

"Energy and Agriculture: Hypothetical Export Unit Values for Crop Production and Synthetic Fuels Production," Susan D. Tripp and Marc Messing, U.S. Agricultural Economists Association, 1975

"The Energy Crisis: Energy Resources, Systems and Policies," Marc Messing, Wilson Clark and David Calfee, Democratic National Committee, 1973

"Popular Participation in Environmental Planning in the United States," Marc Messing, David J. Rosen and Gary A. Soucie, United Nations' Conference on Man and the Environment, 1972

"Law and the Environment," Journal of the American Institute of Planners, 1971

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Board Member, American Association of Radon Scientists and Technologists

E6.41 Building Infiltration Subcommittee, American Society for Testing and Materials

Contributing Editor, "Radon Industry Review", 1988-1990

Contributing Editor, "Environment," 1974-1984

Director, Environmental Policy Center, 1974-1986

Co-Chair, National Clean Air Coalition, 1975-1976

Director, N.Y. State Environmental Planning Lobby, 1972-1976

Director, N.Y. Scientists' Committee for Public Information, 1972 - 1976

Director, Citizen's for Clean Air, 1972-1973

Director, N.Y. State Energy Coalition, 1971-1972

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